Monday, October 10, 2016

Sasmar Personal Lubricant in Strawberry Review

So this is my third Sasmar Lube that I've been lucky enough to receive at a discount for my honest and unbiased review. However this one is unlike the other two in a few ways. First of all this is a pump action which has it's faults and benefits, faults being that if you only want a small amount you can't really control it so when I tried it for the first time I got way more than I had bargained for. Now onto the flavoring and smell. It is strawberry but you'd never know it. It smells awful and tastes even worse. Definitely don't recommend it for oral pleasure because it's gross, really gross. Now onto what it actually is, a lube, it's great!!!! It isn't sticky, isn't gross, doesn't go away and leave you with that goopy gross stuff. It lasts and is so smooth without being oily and too watery. It also cleans up nice which is a huge plus! I'd probably buy it again just to use as a lube and not really pay much attention to it supposedly being flavored but to each their own, maybe it's just my husband and my taste buds.


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